Pilates for pregnancy

Nurturing Your Journey Before & After Baby

Discover new and supportive ways to move your body during and after your pregnancy.

Prenatal Pilates

Congratulations on your pregnancy! We want you to know we’re thrilled for you and honored to be a part of this incredible journey. We believe that now, more than ever, is the time to honor your body's wisdom and capabilities. With our expert guidance and the supportive community at Humani, you'll find a practice you can connect to now and after the baby’s arrival.

  • It’s fascinating what our bodies go through during pregnancy, isn’t it? We know that as beautiful as this journey is, you’re dealing with a lot right now. Your body feels different almost every day — new aches/pains, new things that provide relief — you’re also dealing with the emotional aspects of a changing body — it doesn’t look the way that you’re used to it looking and doesn’t work the way you’re used to it working.

    Now is the time to honor your body first.

    Finding new ways to move that support you and feel good to you is so valuable — even if your new Pilates practice doesn’t feel or look at all like what it used to. Please know that it’s not only OK, but essential to make sure your workouts are tailored specifically for you and support you in new ways that you need support.

    Good news is that we have options.

  • Our focused prenatal weekly classes are an excellent opportunity to move your body in a way that serves it best, receive resources and individual attention, and build community with other women on a similar journey.

    Fee: $45/session (4+ people); $50/session (2-3 people)

    Contact to book: schedule@humanistudios.com

  • You may be also wondering what you should or shouldn’t be doing while working out. If you’ve been taking group classes with us at Humani, you may need to start modifications soon.

    First step is to check our studio policies below and schedule a private session before your 2nd trimester.

    During this private session, we’ll help you learn new modifications and give you adaptations for exercises that you’re used to doing, but are no longer appropriate for your body or simply uncomfortable.

    Remember, it’s not just about comfort — it’s also about tailoring your workout for what’s actually beneficial for your body at this time. Through all the changes and new sensations, your Pilates practice will change with you.

  • If you’ve never done Pilates and want to start now, we recommend you attend our special weekly prenatal classes only or schedule a private session.

    To book a private session, purchase your session and e-mail us to book. Because this will be a specialized session, e-mailing us to book, will allow us to set up a session with the appropriate teacher and be prepared for your session.

    E-mail us at schedule@humanistudios.com to book a private session.

  • If you’re currently a student with us, please inform our staff when you become pregnant, so we can update your profile.

    All pregnant students are required to get instructor approval prior to taking classes during their second trimester (14 – 27 weeks).

    Students may receive instructor approval after one scheduled Private Session to learn prenatal modifications.

    Once you receive instructor approval, you can take Machines Level 1 or All Levels classes, including Chair.

    Do not book Machines Level 1.5, Level 2, or Mat Classes.

    In order to honor your body and maintain a safe and positive experience for you and all students at Humani, after 32 weeks of pregnancy (or 28 weeks for multiple births), all Humani students are asked to take private pilates sessions or prenatal classes only.

    Our focused prenatal classes are an excellent opportunity to move your body in a way that serves it best, receive resources and individual attention, and build community with other women on a similar journey.

Our semi–private 50 minute prenatal classes take place once a week.

E-mail schedule@humanistudios.com to get more info.

Postnatal Pilates

We know it can be difficult to know what to do and what you’re ready for. We honor the time it takes for you to focus on building strength in functional and sustainable way, taking time and care to focus on alignment, and taking proper time to rest and heal.

  • It's easy to rush back into physical activity after delivery, but your body needs time to heal. We also know it can be difficult to not get overwhelmed by the “bounce back quick” narrative, so we encourage you to focus on adapting your Pilates practice to your current needs as your body continues to heal.

  • If you're ready to return to Pilates or are starting for the first time, our specialized Postnatal Check-In Private Session is designed for you.

    Our post-natal instructors will:

    • Offer tips to support your healing journey.

    • Show exercises for a safe return or start in Pilates.

    • Assist in checking your linea alba for diastasis recti.

    •Discuss pelvic floor injury and weakness.

    •Provide useful exercises to prepare you for classes.

  • We understand that your time is precious, especially now. To book your session:

    Purchase Here

    After purchasing, email us at schedule@humanistudios.com to find a suitable time for your session. We prefer to start the conversation via email to ensure we're fully informed about your postpartum phase and any specific needs or concerns.

Your Path to Renewed Strength Starts Here