Explore Our Class Packs

All classes may be purchased as singles or class packs.

*Group classes are subject to a 12 hour cancellation policy. There are no refunds for the purchase of any classes or packages. All purchases are subject to a price adjustment after 365 days. A $10 fee will automatically be applied for group class no-show’s.

1 class


Horizontal Line
5 classes


10 Classes


/* Mobile devices only */ @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { body { text-align: center; /* Helps center inline-block elements */ } .button-container { width: 80%; /* Adjust the width for smaller screens if needed */ /* Additional adjustments for mobile view */ } }


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Create Your Profile to Book a Class

Get On The Waitlist!

The waitlist works! If a class is full, sign-up on the waitlist. Waitlists can accommodate up to 8 people.

As soon as a spot opens up, you’ll be notified via text and you’ll have to respond to confirm your spot in the class.

When there are additional people on the waitlist behind you, unconfirmed waitlisted spots will be given away after two hours – even if you saw a text and responded after the two hour deadline.

Purchase a class before adding yourself to the waitlist – if you don’t get into the class, that class will stay on your account.

If you get in, make sure you cancel other waitlisted classes you’re in for that day.